2012-present The Garden of Human Nature project
2010-2013 The course of life project
2005-2007 States of Mind project
2004 acquisition of shared business premises Spade Ateliers
2004 co-founder Association Spade Ateliers
2003 Body Powers project

2001-2013 artshop
2001-2005 Man’s Evolution project
1999 studio Spadestraat 4, Nijmegen
1996 birth of daughter Joy Huijskens
1993 birth of son Daniël Huijskens
1988-2013 art-teacher in own studio

1988 marriage
1987 studio van Nispenstraat 178, Nijmegen
1986 studio Stratenmakerstoren, Waalkade, Nijmegen
1986-1988 art-teacher at secondary schools
1986 completes 1e grade art-teacher ArtEZ, Arnhem
1982 starts at art academy ArtEZ, Arnhem

1982 bachelor psychology Radboud University
1981 courses at the Center for the Arts De Lindenberg
1979 meets her life partner Kees Huijskens; lives in Nijmegen
1978 start study psychology Radboud University, Nijmegen
1972-1978 gymnasium ß, Mencia de Mendoza Lyceum, Breda
1960 raised in Breda; likes drawing, playing flute and piano
1959 born October 30th, Alkmaar, the Netherlands